HKTDC Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair 2013

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Join us at the Asia’s Largest Toys Fair
to Explore New Market Opportunities

The 39th edition of the HKTDC HK Toys & Games Fair - Asia's largest event of its kind, and the second biggest in the world - will be held during 7-10 Jan, 2013 at the HK Convention & Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. We cordially invite you to join us to connect with buyers from both mature and emerging markets, and explore partnership with working partners to widen your business network.

  3 Important Reasons to Join the Fair
  1. Record-Breaking Attendance - With a track record of success spanning 37 years, the fair welcomed 1,893 exhibitors from 43 countries and regions, and attracted a record-breaking high of 35,877 visitors from 126 countries and regions in 2012.
  2. The 1st toys fair in a calendar year – gives exhibitors a jumpstart over the competitors to secure orders
  3. Valuable opportunity to explore emerging markets with an increase in buyer numbers in these regions

The Fair in 2013 sees the introduction of a new theme “Kidult World” targeting the growing market of toys for grown-ups.  It will showcase a comprehensive array of products including action figures, airsoft guns, collectables, hobby goods, mechanical toys, miniature vehicle models, transport models, puzzle and magic sets etc.
Brand Name Gallery showcases an array of brand products with unique design and quality. In 2012, it presented 125 brands from 80 exhibitors and was the largest ever for the fair with 29% growth in exhibitor number.

  Valuable Platform to Meet Both Traditional and Emerging Markets Buyers
A record-breaking high of 35,877 visitors from 126 countries and regions in 2012, and the number of overseas buyers saw an increase of 2.6% this year.  The top ten visiting countries and regions were the Chinese mainland, Japan, the U.S.A., Korea, Taiwan, Australia, the United Kingdom, Philippines, Russia and Thailand.  The Fair provides a valuable platform to meet up with both traditional and emerging markets buyers.

No. of Visitors from Outside Hong Kong by Region

Region %
Asia 62.41%
Europe 19.24%
North America 7.98%
Australia & Pacific Islands 3.27%
Central & South America 3.22%
Middle East 2.66%
Africa 1.22%
Total 100%

  Participation Fee
Booth Type 9 sqm 15 sqm
Product Zones    
Standard Booth US$ 4,275 US$ 7,125
Premium Booth US$ 5,022 up US$ 8,175 up
Custom-built Participation US$ 414/ sqm (minimum 27 sqm)
Brand Name Gallery    
Deluxe Booth US$ 5,760 US$ 9,090
Custom-built Participation US$ 455/ sqm (minimum 36 sqm)

Application Deadline
30 June, 2012

  Act Now!

Should you have further queries, please feel free to contact us, thank you.
Name Email Tel. No.
Mr Brian Poon (852) 2240 4162
Mr Joe Wong (852) 2240 4610
Mr Patrick Choi (852) 2240 4439
Ms Pamela Yau (852) 2240 4469

Yours faithfully,

Pamela Yau
Exhibitions Project Manager
Hong Kong Trade Development Council

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